Funfacts from the Arhives

During my research at the National Archives in Kew, London, I occasionally come over some geeky facts: Did you know that:

- In October 1920 Auda Abu Tayiah "apparently appointed himself Governor of Maan" and dispensed "justice, or rather injustice according to Tribal Law."

- No person who was an elected member of the Legislative Council after 1927 could be "mad or an idiot."

- Abdullah b. Hussein [later King of Jordan] in March 1921 came to Amman together with his army "on the advice of [a] doctor" who regarded the climate in Maan as "unhealthy".

- "Two hundred and five troops left Jeddah by Khedivial steamer January 22nd [1922] for Akaba and thence to Maan."

- there are several ways to spell Transjordan/Trans-Jordan/Trans-Jordia/Trans-Jordania/Transjordania/شرق الاردن

As the bird flies so it falls!

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